WBE Certification No.: 10587

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Libby Barg Bakke

Specialties: Strategic Planning and Communications

Defining Directions and Aligning Resources

Done properly, strategic planning leads an organization to achieve higher levels of success. Barney & Worth expertly guides processes to help our clients – businesses, public-private ventures, and governmental agencies – fully assess where they are, where they’d like to go and the best strategies to get them there.

Barney & Worth Expertise

  • Process design and evaluation methodologies tailored for each assignment
  • Skillful guidance of all phases of program evaluation and strategic planning processes
  • Techniques to meaningfully involve key stakeholders
  • Clear, compelling and usable reports and documents

Featured Projects

  • Pierce County Agricultural Resource Land Designation
    This multi-disciplinary project analyzed the designation of Pierce County (WA) agricultural land for comprehensive planning in accordance with the Washington Growth Management Plan. This was a “fast-track” project with very high importance for the County for developing objective criteria agricultural resource land designation under the State’s growth planning mandate that also will avoid potential legal challenges…
  • Vancouver Strategic Plan
    Barney & Worth worked with the City of Vancouver, WA to develop What’s Next Vancouver? Envisioning Our City’s Future – a community-wide strategic plan, based on a framework set by the City Council in 2014. The process included a community survey to identify what people like and want to see improved in the City. Ten goals and accompanying objectives and actions for implementation were identified for inclusion in the final strategic plan which will inform the City’s direction through 2020…
  • Tualatin River Watershed Council Action Plan
    Barney & Worth assisted the Tualatin River Watershed Council to develop an action plan focused on marketing and funding. With a goal of understanding work already completed, Council needs, and future aspirations, Barney & Worth conducted a workshop for steering committee members, reviewed the Council’s planning documents and available public opinion research, and conducted an online survey for partners and other watershed stakeholders…
  • Oregon Agricultural Development and Marketing Division: Strategic Communications Plan for Specialty Crops
    Barney & Worth assisted the ODA Agricultural Development and Marketing Division to set a plan for the future and put in place contemporary marketing materials…
  • Oregon Forest Resources Institute: Telling the Story of Oregon’s Forests
    Barney & Worth led the strategic planning effort to update and reshape OFRI’s strategic plan: exploring emerging opportunities and adjusting to changes in the economy that have impacted forest sector profits and OFRI revenues…
  • Pierce County Agriculture Strategic Plan
    Barney & Worth assisted Pierce County, Washington with the first-ever Pierce County Agriculture Strategic Plan…
  • Yamhill County Agri-Business Economic and Community Development Plan
    Yamhill County undertook a groundbreaking research project – in partnership with leaders from ten communities and state agencies – to find ways that the local agriculture and tourism sectors…
  • Portland Farmers Market/Direct-Market Economic Analysis
    The City of Portland, in collaboration with local market leaders, sought answers to the most pressing questions about the forces of supply and demand that will shape the future of the city’s farmers…

Click for more projects…


Barney & Worth, Inc., established in 1978, is an award-winning firm providing professional consulting services for public agencies, businesses, and non-profit organizations.

Barney & Worth and its clients are partners in building better communities, to ensure that infrastructure and services are in place in time to meet pressing community needs.

The firm’s project assignments cover the full range of programs and services for which state and local government agencies are responsible. Barney & Worth contributes expertise in strategic communications, public involvement, program assessment and planning.

Multnomah County voters approve Troutdale gas tax

“Gas tax: Troutdale voters were approving a 3-cent-a-gallon gas tax, phased in over three years, to pay for street maintenance…”

Read full “Troutdale Gas Tax” article