Community Planning and Visioning

Beaverton Marketing Plan

Beaverton The Best of Oregon Logo
Beaverton has a vision for its future, yet lacked a way to communicate with the public how the implementation of the vision has created a livable community. Barney & Worth created a marketing plan that identified actions and strategies to communicate the vision of Beaverton to its residents, business community and the region.

During the development of the action plan, stakeholder interviews were held with the City’s partners (Chamber of Commerce, parks district, city citizen committees) to increase the capacity of the community to participate in the marketing of Beaverton through their actions, activities and communication methods.

Dallas Community Branding and Marketing Strategy

Dallas Take a Closer Look Logo
For the community of Dallas, OR (population 14,600), Barney & Worth developed a strategy to market Dallas for business recruitment and tourism. The products included a fresh community brand along with marketing strategies for business recruitment and tourism. Also among the deliverables were: promotional themes; graphic design elements to support the brand – logo, colors, typestyles, sizes – that work for print materials and web applications; and guidelines for using the designs for greatest impact.

Livable Hermiston

Livable Hermiston Logo
Livable Hermiston is a community-wide visioning process sponsored by the City of Hermiston and Greater Hermiston Area Chamber of Commerce to identify future community liability assets that will continue to make Hermiston a great place to live. The goal is to set priorities for viable community livability assets to be pursued by the community over the next 10-20 years. Barney & Worth has provided community engagement, SWOT analysis, vision statement creation and an implementation plan. More than 2,200 residents from the greater Hermiston area – including 1,200 high school students – participated in online surveys that determined the priorities: a year-round aquatics/community center and a revitalized downtown.

Monmouth Engaged

Monmouth Engaged Logo
Barney & Worth recently completed a community-wide visioning process called Monmouth Engaged for the City of Monmouth. The plan sets the road map for the city’s future. The project has enlisted a variety of public engagement tools, including stakeholder interviews, two community surveys, a town hall meeting and “sign-up” event for community volunteers. An 18-member citizen Steering Committee guided the process which created a vision for Monmouth’s future, a strategic plan for implementation, a greater understanding of shared community values, and a more engaged and informed community.

The final report can be found at:

Salem Vision 2020

To Barney & Worth:

“You’ve really gone above and beyond to help create a true sense of ownership in our community for Salem Vision 2020 – as evidenced by the high volume of community survey responses, innovative approaches to outreach and community forums, and the number of community participants at each of our forums. As we look forward to the next few months and the next year of implementation, I think we are perfectly positioned for success.”

– Mayor Janet Taylor, City of Salem

Barney & Worth facilitated the creation of Salem Vision 2020 – a community action plan for the City’s core downtown center. Over a six month period, 3,500 surveys were completed, 35 community briefings were conducted and two community forums were held. Through this very successful public involvement process, Salem community members identified 24 priority action items.  More than 40 supporting organizations and 200 people are currently playing leadership roles to turn the vision into action.

Project Website

Pierce County Agriculture Strategic Plan

U.S. agricultural lands are disappearing nationwide. This trend is accelerated on the urban fringe of many regions, and Pierce County, Washington has lost thousands of acres of agricultural land in recent decades. In response to these changing conditions and the emerging needs of the agriculture sector, Barney & Worth assisted Pierce County to create a strategic plan designed to better understand and boost the industry’s competitiveness.

The first-ever Pierce County Agriculture Strategic Plan includes a systematic examination of the local agriculture sector from an economic development perspective, and provides effective strategies to promote the agriculture industry and enhance its competitiveness. The Pierce County Council adopted the plan, and enacted many of its key provisions: creating a “farmbudsman” position within County government to serve as liaison with the agriculture community; establishing a “Buy Local” preference program for County institutions to purchase local produce; funding a program to assist in marketing local agriculture projects; forming a “farm team” of specialists within the Department of Planning and Land Services; and revising building codes to make them more “farm friendly”.

Cully-Concordia Community Assessment and Action Plan

“A touchstone and guide for City bureau and other agency work programs, and a participatory and advocacy tool for community stakeholders.”

– Portland City Council Resolution
Adopted November 20, 2008

Barney & Worth led an extensive public outreach effort to involve community members in an assessment of two neighborhoods in NE Portland.  The Cully-Concordia Community Assessment was, from the start, a partnership effort involving the City of Portland’s Planning Bureau, Portland Public Schools and numerous community members.  This collaborative effort was designed to assess the educational, economic, public facility and service needs of families and children in this diverse and growing area.

Outreach efforts successfully engaged a full range of area organizations, residents, business people, students and school staff.  A diverse community discussion group continues to meet regularly to identify and tackle priority actions to make the neighborhoods better places to live, work and play.

Recognized as a successful model for building community partnerships to take positive action, the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability presented the Cully-Concordia project in an educational session at the American Planning Association’s 2009 National Planning Conference.

Project Website