Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant

Barney & Worth was hired once again to work with the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) and consulting architects to update the Master Plan for the City’s major sewage treatment facility, the Columbia Blvd. Wastewater Treatment Plant (CBWTP).  Clark Worth also guided the development of two prior Master Plans – in 1997 and an update in 2004. Barney & Worth has subsequently directed public involvement for the CBWTP long-range engineering facilities plan and also authored the Vision and Guiding Principles for the treatment plant.

The Master Plans outline all capital improvement projects at the plant for a ten-year period. Consultant work includes policy research, coordination with key City bureaus, public involvement, and preparation of the final master plan document. Both previous Master Plans won unanimous support of City agencies and neighbors.

The hearings officer complimented the applicant at the close of both hearings. In the words of one hearings officer:

“This is the best plan I have seen. It’s a rare master plan that reaches the hearing with no opposition. In this case, your master plan is not only without opposition – it has earned enthusiastic citizen support.”

Project PDF